Tech Talk: Camera x Fireworks= Fireworks POV

Its 4th of July weekend the chances of seeing fireworks are pretty high. Jeremiah Warren put a new “fireworks” experience together, using a spy camera. @yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Google May Buy Hulu

  Last Week Hulu announced they were interested in selling themselves to another company, rumors went wild on where the  TV streaming site  would end up. Early reports suggested that Yahoo was a early suitor but Hulu did not seem interested in the offer that Yahoo had on the table.  According to the LA Times Google and Microsoft have now joined the race to purchase Hulu. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Health: Capsule-cam makes stomach exams easy to swallow

Small fin-propelled robots may soon be plunging in to the depths of the human body, helping patients find checkups easier to stomach @yungjohnybravo @tatwza

Tech Talk Caught On Tape: Seagull Steals Camera

This clip is almost unbelieveable,  as the clip shows someone may have caught the Seagull off guard or may have frighten it.  After spotting the camera on the ground the  seagull  actually picks up the video camera and flies with it for a few blocks and drops it on a rooftop. @yungbravo TatWZA

Tech News: How Open Is The Internet

Even though the United States is a country that  lives on democracy and freedom, it has more Internet censorship than some countries in Africa and South America.  As to what is censored, research found that “blogs” were the most censored content at 20%. @Yungjohnnybravo Tat WZA

Tech Talk Space: ISS Broadcasts LIVE Video Of Earth!!!

You will Soon be able to do something only a handful of people have been able to do, see Earth Live from Space!! On June 28th Russia’s side of the ISS will be broadcasting Live video of the Earth, and I can’t wait, Hit the Jump to see a piece of the video!! @YungJohnnyBravo Tat WZA

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