Tech Talk News: FBI Launches ‘Child ID’ iPhone App

The FBI this week unveiled a child safety app that you will hopefully never have to use. The agency’s Child ID App allows parents to create a file for their children that will allow for easy access to vital information in the event that they go missing. @TatWZA @YungJohnnybravo  

Tech Talk News: Google’s Self-Driving Car Gets into an Accident

  One of Google’s famous self-driving cars has reportedly been involved in one of its first traffic accidents.The accident occurred near Google’s Mountain View headquarters in California. According to a report from Jalopnik, the accident involved two Toyota Priuses. It looks like the Google self-driving car rear-ended the other Prius, at least from our initial assessment of a photo Jalopnik published. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo  

Tech Talk News: Judge Says No Personal Audio’s Second Apple Infringement Case

Talk about swift justice. It’s been less than a week since we reported on Personal Audio’s second infringement suit against Apple, and an East Texas judge has already put an end to the litigation. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Enormous Water Reservoir Found in Space

Astronomers have reported the discovery of a huge water vapor cloud floating around a black hole in space. The cloud is so big that scientists estimate it holds 140 trillion times the mass of water in the Earth’s oceans, and is approximately 10 billion light years away. @TatWZA @YungJohnnybravo

Tech Talk News: Redbox DVD And Blu-Ray Rentals Reach 1.5 Billion

Redbox is seeing strong demand for its disc rentals, the company announced yesterday. According to the rental firm, which is owned by Coinstar, 1.5 billion DVDs and Blu-ray discs have been rented from its kiosks since it launched its service in 2004. Moreover, the company has rented 4 million video games. @TatWZA @YungJohnnybravo

Tech Talk New: Missouri Forbids Teachers and Students To Be Facebook Friends

If you’re a student living in Missouri, you’d better not be Facebook friends with any of your teachers – that will soon be illegal. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

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