Tech Talk News: Amazon Celebrates PS3 Price Drop With Discounted Games

The temptation was just too much. Even with the car payment, the mortgage, and the hospital bills from having your squeedly spooch removed, you still couldn’t resist dropping the tantalizingly reasonable 250 clams for a new PlayStation 3. And who can blame you? We went out and bought a second PS3 that we have absolutely no use for, it was that enticing of a proposition. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Tech Talk News: Samsung Accuses Apple of Manipulating Evidence in Patent Fight

Apple is fighting multiple legal battles with Samsung, claiming Samsung copied both the iPad and iPhone. But Samsung’s lawyers are fighting back, accusing Apple of falsely manipulating graphics showing similarities between the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone and the iPhone 3G. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Tech Talk News: HP CEO Didn’t Tell Key Staff Of WebOS End

HP CEO Léo Apotheker didn’t inform key executives of the decision to kill off webOS until the evening of Sunday, August 14, AllThingsD reported on Friday. One such exec included Todd Bradley, the head of HP’s Personal Systems Group, as well as former Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein. Sources said the two will stay onboard at HP for the near term,though it depends on what HP decides to do with the webOS platform. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Tech Talk News: Apple Testing LTE On iOS 5 Devices

Besides the iPhone 5 release date, the hottest iPhone-related news topic as of late has been LTE. A recent report claimed that Apple’s carrier partners were already exploring LTE iPhones, and this rumor became juicier with the discovery of LTE antennas being installed in some Apple Store locations in the United States. Now, we have discovered that carriers are not only “testing” an LTE iOS device in some fashion, but Apple actually has references to LTE in their iOS 5 field-test application. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Tech Talk Games: Devil May Cry Demystified

The new Dante, with his eff-you attitude, lanky young physique and rather Shoreditch haircut, was certainly a bold reinvention. When he was unveiled at TGS last year, developer Ninja Theory was justifiably nervous, worried about fans’ reactions to the change. (Because gamers love change, right?) @TatWZA @YungJohnnybravo

Tech Talks Tech: Verizon Makes Deal With Workers!!!!

About 45,000 striking Verizon Communications employees are set to go back to work on Tuesday as the telephone company has reached an agreement for bargaining with unions, one of the unions said on Saturday. @TatWZA @YungJohnnyBravo

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