Bare-chested men and women are taking their nipples to the streets of midtown Manhattan as folks have complained about topless tip-seeking in Times Square.
Bare-chested men and women are taking their nipples to the streets of midtown Manhattan as folks have complained about topless tip-seeking in Times Square.
So it looks like we are ok. Do you know anyone who could not access the Internet due to the malware threat? Check out the update of the July 9th web threat. ShottaDru X TatWza
A funky piece of malware has infected 277,000 computers worldwide and will do some damage to your machine on July 9th. Check out this new malware infection below and run an anti virus now! ShottaDru X TatWza
Sabrina B. The NBA has for the first time released its list of top selling jerseys internationally, and Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant has landed in the top spot for the 2011-12 season.
Vonage use to have some funny commercials back in the day for their VoIP services. Well keeping up with the times they also offer their services via their mobile app. It was recently updated and is great for those who travel internationally or have relatives overseas. Check it out below. ShottaDru X TatWza
Did you check out the poll #IFWT is taking earlier on the iPad? Let us know if you purchased an iPad 3. Hit the jump for the actual total number of units moved during its debut weekend. Follow @TatWza +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+