Wiz and his Taylors get goofy after throwing back some shots of Blue Sapphire. Hit the jump to see the latest installment of WK Today! Wendy L.
Wiz and his Taylors get goofy after throwing back some shots of Blue Sapphire. Hit the jump to see the latest installment of WK Today! Wendy L.
In the latest installment of his WK Today vlog series, Wiz Khalifa performs his hit “Young, Wild, & Free”on tour. Hit the jump to check it out! Wendy L.
In Wiz’s latest installment of his webisode series, he rocks out backstage on his European tour. Watch below. Marisa Mendez
In Wiz’s latest installment of WK Today vlog, the Pittsburgh rapper surprises his wifey Amber Roses with a huge cake for her birthday. Hit the jump to see the vid! Wendy L.
In the latest episode of Wiz’s new “WK Today” series, he hits up Snoop Dogg’s spot to work on the soundtrack to the movie the pair are working on together, Mac And Devin Go To High School. Check it out below. Marisa Mendez
After the end of his successful With Wiz’s DayToday†web series going out with a bang, Wiz has now presented a new webisode series, “WK Todayâ€. In this first episode viewers can follow Wiz as he tours in Toronto. Hit the jump to check out the video! @capriSUNshine