Tech Talk News: Wikipedia Making Some Changes Due To #SOPA Supporters!!!

The Stop Online Piracy Act is getting mixed reviewed from industries heads. Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales is making changes to his company to stop doing business with #Sopa supporters. Check out the changes Wales is making after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

(Photo) Guess Which Website Had Rick Ross Listed As Dead?!

This is awful! A very popular website had Rick Ross listed as dead following the news of him being unconsciousness after suffering from a seizure. I guess the website just couldn’t wait for official confirmation on Ross’ condition before updating so they could be the first to break the news. After we received an update that Rozay was doing just fine the website corrected themselves but not before a screenshot was captured!! Shout to Kaz for the pic! Find out which website it was after the jump. @Julie1205

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