(Video) NBA: Jimmer Fredette Hits The Whip At A Wedding!

Jimmer Fredette was recently spotted at an old team mate’s wedding this past weekend and the group of groomsmen put on a dance during the reception. Jimmer was seen doing a rather stiff rendition of The Whip!

(Photos) NBA: Lakers Wesley Johnson Buys Himself $205,000 Christmas Gift

When it comes time for the Christmas season most of us are worried about the gifts we are getting for others and wanting to make other people happy, but there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to something as well. Wesley Johnson of the Lakers took that to a different level with his $205,000 gift to himself which is a dope two tone Aston Martin. He picked out a 2014 Aston Martin Rapide — 0 to 60 in 4.7 seconds — and customized it with a pearl white paint job that featured a matte black center. The Lakers season is terrible but this whip will make him forget about it at least for today.

(Video) So Dope! Rick Ross Gives Atlanta Kids A Ride In His Roaring Whip!

Like a bawse should … Rick Ross visited the city of Atlanta to celebrate the release of, Hood Billionaire as well as to extend a hand to the local DJs with an appreciation dinner. Amidst the festivities, Ross heard of two young boys who were checkin gout his Ferrari game. What did he do about the kids ogling? Something that a bawse does… Check it out.

(Video) WWE: What The?! Man Pays Nude Woman To Whip Him After Wrestlemania In Front of Crowd

I know some people are into kinky stuff & here’s a good example of it.  A lot happens in New Orleans, so this shouldn’t be too much of a shocker —Following WrestleMania 30 in New Orleans, men paid a naked woman to whip them with harsh leather whips to crowds of cheer on Bourbon Street — Watch as NOLA police stroll on through, showing no disapproval, at the end of the video.   Check it out…

(Video) Caught On Tape: Driver ‘Ghost Rides The Whip’ During Police Chase!!

Lol, even the newscasters reporting this as it happened called this lady crazy!

(Caught On Tape) WHOA!! Dunkin Donuts Employee Was Pistol-Whipped For Messing Up An Order?!?

A man in a Florida Dunkin Donuts was extremely unhappy with his order. So unhappy, that he decided to storm back into the store to cause a scene. And a scene it was. 27-year-old Jeffery Wright apparently ordered coffee through the drive-thru when they realized that it was the wrong flavor. So, he parked up and entered the store with his 22-year-old wife, Alexis Longo. According to local reports, “The enraged couple walked into the store and demanded Hall make them a fresh cup of coffee — but he said they wouldn’t tell him how they wanted it.” Hit the jump for more info.

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