(PHOTO) MLB: Roger Clemens Reacts To Hall Of Fame Snub

Yesterday it was announced that no players were elected to Hall of Fame by baseball writers.  It was the first time since 1996 and only the second time in four decades.  Well Roger Clemens took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the snub by sharing a letter. GameTimeGirl

What Game Piece Will Be Leaving Monopoly For Good? WE Get To Decide!

Hasbro is making some changes to the iconic board game of Monopoly. They’ve invited fans to decide which game piece will be getting the boot, set to be replaced by a new token later this year. Using Facebook (by going to their official page) or Twitter (with the hashtag #tokenvote), fans have until February 5th to vote whether Hasbro should drop the battle ship, top hat, Scottie dog, race car, iron, wheelbarrow, thimble or shoe. As a replacement, their options are a diamond ring, toy robot, cat, guitar or helicopter. Marisa Mendez

MLB: Vote For @CC_Sabathia To Be On The Cover of MLB13! #MLB13CC

Let’s help out our guy CC  Sabathia!  Vote for him to be the first Yankee ever to be on the cover of MLB13! #Yankees Details on how to vote after the jump… Funk FlexGameTimeGirl

At Minimum 25 Republican House Reps Says To John Boehner, You’ve Got My Vote

Immediately after the swearing in of the 113th Congress will be the vote on House speaker, John Boehner. Boehner already has people who are backing him up in his corner. Apparently, he has this vote in the bag with no worries, despite certain decisions to postpone a vote on aid for Superstorm Sandy victims. Watch live here. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

House Passes Spending Cut Bill!!!

The House has passed a spending cut bill, where they plan to make cuts in the to defense as well as other programs. The bill passed with a close vote, 215-209. Click below for more details. Melissa Nash

Latinos Rocked The Vote

The Latino demographic has become a force to reckon with at the election polls, they’re support was key in an Obama victory in crucial swing states. Florida, Colorado, and Nevada all showed a growth in Latino support for the Democratic candidates providing key votes for Obama proving to be decisive. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

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