“Savannahs Soldiers” Warm Hearts Of Troops!!!

Savannah Ogden who is 11 years old started “Savannahs Soldiers” last year and has already reached milestones that she can’t even believe. It all started when her friend’s father got drafted into the army, and she wanted to do something to cheer her friend up. “Savannahs Soldiers collects friendly and encouraging letters from people all over and they send them to the U.S. troops oversea’s. They’ve collected about 70,000 letters already! Good to see the kids stepping up and helping out, keep it up Savannah! Check out the full story after the jump. AliTheGreatest

U.S. Marine Is Sentenced For Urinating On Corpses!!!

Staff Sergeant John Chamblin plead guilty to urinating on the corpses of Taliban insurgents. Sources say after the Taliban member was killed Chamblin decided to urinate on the persons body. His sentence was a reduction in rank and a $500 fine, arguments say that his punishment wasn’t enough. What do you think, let us know below. Also, check out the full story after the jump AliTheGreatest

Al Qaeda In Afghanistan Attempting A Comeback

Al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan are attempting a comeback according to new reports. After the war with the U.S. it seemed that the organization was diminished but have since regrouped in the mountainous area of the country. U.S. commanders have intensified strikes against al-Qaida cells to leave them so battered that they do not pose a threat to anyone. Western troops have begun to leave the area but some Americans will remain to ensure the terror group doesn’t gain too much power. Read more below. Julie A.

U.S. Allies May Be Arming Al Qaeda

For months, the U.S. has been helping Arab allies coordinate arms shipments to rebel fighters in Syria. Click “more” below to find out where those weapons are going and how this could hurt the U.S. in the long wrong. DJ Matthew Tyler

U.S. Navy Cruiser Crashes Into Submarine

A U.S. Navy cruiser collided with a nuclear-powered submarine during off the East Cost during excersizes on Saturday.  No one was injusred but the cruiser endured some damage.  Click “more” below for the full story. DJ Matthew Tyler

U.S. Government Targets Violent Street Gang MS-13

The Treasury Department formally designated MS-13 a transnational criminal organization. The aim is to freeze it out of the U.S. financial system and seize what are estimated to be millions of dollars in criminal profits from drug and human smuggling and other crimes committed in this country.  Click “more” below for the full story. DJ Matthew Tyler

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