(Video) 12 Year Old Boy Suspended And Punished Publicly For Cursing At Teacher!

A Texas mother publicly punished her son, after he was suspended for cursing at his teacher. The sixth grader was forced to walk down a busy interstate, holding a sign for the world to see. To check out the video, click below.

(GRAPHIC Photos) So Sad: Newborn Baby Girl Dies After WHAT?!?

Bad news in Texas. After 5 days on life support, newborn baby Olivia Marie died. “We heard a pop like cracking,” is what her parents told reporters. After a healthy pregnancy, soon-to-be parents Rachel Melancon and Allen Coats traveled to the Medical Center of Southeast Texas. During the birth, Rachel Melancon pleaded to doctors for a C-section, but they insisted on using forceps to guide little Olivia out. Hit the jump for more details.

(Warning*18+*Video) Caught On Tape: Bucket Naked Stripper Brawl

It’s reported this was a Dallas Strip Club, Black Orchid strip club to be exact, and they say they mean to ‘make you feel like a baller the minute you walk in’, but I’m wondering is that by making the strippers tussle over them ones??

(Video) Texas Lawyer Killed In Shootout With Police!

An attorney, Michael Schmidt, was shot and killed by police on Thursday. Schmidt called the police to report a burglary at his home. When responding officers arrived, the lawyer barricaded himself in the hallway of his luxury apartment building and began to fire shots at the cops. Authorities do not know what caused Schmidt to engage in a shoot out, but say he appeared to be mentally altered before getting fatally shot. To see news footage of this story, click below.

OK!! Texas Woman Holds Guinness Record For Most WHAT Donated?!?!

Everything’s bigger in Texas, right? Well, it seems that way now. North Texas resident, Alicia Richman now holds the Guinness record for most breast milk donated. In other words, her generous donations were about 23 gallons more than the previous record. Check for more info after the jump.

(Photos) YUM! Check Out The World’s Largest Gingerbread House…It’s HUGE!

Everything really is bigger in Texas. The Traditions Club and St. Joseph Health System of Bryan, Texas, started working last year to beat the Guinness World Record for the World’s Largest Gingerbread House and this Christmas, they’ve officially succeeded. The humongous house is 60 feet by 42 feet and measures up to 20 feet tall. It does have a wood base, but it took 1,800 pounds of butter, 7,200 eggs, 3,000 pounds of sugar, 7,200 pounds of flour, countless volunteers and more than 22,000 pieces of candy! Visitors can tour the house and get their photos with Santa for a small fee, with all proceeds going to the St. Joseph’s Level II Trauma Center. The project has already donated $150,000 to the center and will continue raising money until the house comes down on Dec. 14.

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