Tech Talk Leak: Sprint Document Almost Confirms iPhone???

This is making me really think that the Sprint iPhone Rumor is more than a Rumor, I mean you only Say ‘No Comment’ When you don’t want to incriminate yourself…Right?? Well See the Leaked Sprint Document that is causing this Stir! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Device: The Exclusive White EVO 3D Will Be At Radio Shack!!!

It’s official folks. Radio Shack announced on their Twitter account the exclusive release of the white HTC EVO 3D on September 9th for the Sprint Network. The 4.3 qHD screen, 3D-capable glasses free device should have the same specs as the original and hopefully sold the same $199 price. Check out pics of this exceptional device after the jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Rumor Is: Sprint iPhone 5 At The Same Time as AT&T & Verizon!!!

Actually it’s a little Stronger than a Rumor, WSJ Reported that Sprint will Def get the iPhone 5 at the same time as at&t, and Verizon!! See Details after the Jump!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Shopping: Sprint’s Blackberry 9930 On Sale!!!

I gave you an exclusive look at the Blackberry 9930(Verizon and Tmobile as well), and now it’s on sale, and for $199, which is actually better than the Tmo price of $350(well $300 if you add the mail in rebate) but either device is worth the $ Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Leak: Blackberry Curve 9380 Shows Up In Video!!!!

This is the smallest Blackberry in the All NEW line up, a mix between a Storm and the original curve, it has NO qwerty keyboard(what BB user’s expect) and only has a 800MHz processor, but is touchscreen, with full use of the screen, bigger than the orig Curve, yet smaller than the storm, but see the vide for yourself!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Device: Samsung Ready To ‘Conquer’ Sprint!!!

Sprint is getting a Brand NEW Android phone from Samsung called the “Conquer” and it seems to be a bit of a powerhouse! Hit the Jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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