(Video) Sports: Whoops Olympic Gymnast Simone Biles Falls Down Steps at VMAs

Simone Biles and the rest of the Final Five from the United States Olympic gymnastics team (sans Gabby Douglas), were at the VMAs to present the Best Female Video category.  Not only did the girls shine on the stage, they also got hugs from the winner, Beyonce.  Unfortunately there was one small blip on Simone’s glamorous night.

(Video) Olympics: Six Year Old Makes Adorable Video Thanking Simone Biles For Inspiring Her

The Olympics always have a way of bringing out the spirit of the games in people. For all the medal winners and accomplishments, there are always stories of goodwill between people or something inspiring and that’s what we have here. Young six year old Nyla Miller was so inspired by what she saw from Simone Biles and Gabby Douglas that she wanted the girls to know. Living in Atlanta, Nyla and her father got the camera out and went to work. The result was this adorable video.

(Video) Olympics: Gymnast Simone Biles’ Mom Shanon Says She’s No Longer a Drug Addict

The media loves triumph over tragedy stories and this added to the already amazingness of Simone Biles.  During a profile of the Olympic gymnast on NBC, they spoke about Simone and her younger sister going into foster care and eventually being adopted by her grandparents because her mother had issues with drugs and alcohol.  Well Simone’s biological mom is now speaking out, saying that’s she’s clean and has been for a while, and that she’s very much involved in her daughter’s life.

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