(Video) NBA: Lets Go! Knicks Rookie Cleanthony Early (@Clearly_BallLyf) Dunks Over Two Defenders!

The future of the Knicks is looking bright thanks to rookie Cleanthony Early! Possibly the biggest steal of the draft, Anthony had top 10 talent in the NBA draft and slid all the way to pick 34 with the Knicks. Anthony who is from New York himself was happy as can be when he was selected by the hometown team. Now the Knicks are happy as can be with his performance in the NBA summer league. Today he threw down a vicious dunk over two Dallas Mavericks defenders. Hit the jump.

(Photos) NBA: LOL, Joel Embiid Blocks Lebron On Twitter After He Ignores His Tweets

Joel Embiid might have not played an actual NBA game yet, but he may have a career in comedy if basketball winds up not working out for some reason. The 76ers rookie big man who was just taken with the third overall pick in the draft has been on a mission via twitter to recruit Lebron James to join the Philadelphia 76ers. He has been tweeting at him for days and receiving no response from Bron. Apparently today he had enough of being ignored and decided to let the world know he is blocking Lebron on twitter. The funny thing is a few minutes later he tweeted that he needs Rich Paul’s (Lebron’s agent) twitter account so he can just work with him. The young kid is definitely funny and he needs that sense of humor as he recovers from an injury that will prevent him from making his debut until later in the season. Hit the jump.

(Video) NBA: 76ers Rookie Joel Embiid Doesn’t Celebrate Fourth Of July, Here’s Why

Don’t ask Joel Embiid to come to your fourth of July cookout. He might show up and eat the food but he won’t care about the meaning behind the day. The way he explains it you can’t really blame him either. Cameras caught up with him after he left dinner at a Hollywood restaurant when they asked what he is doing for our independence day. Hit the jump.

(Photos) NBA: Usually Unhappy Kobe Bryant Seems Happy With Lakers Drafting Julius Randle

When it comes to basketball it just seems Kobe is never happy. He either has a negative opinion about the team or moves that were made. There have been numerous reports about him just not liking teammates and especially in the past year through his injury and embarrassing Lakers season it seems like when it comes to the game itself we haven’t heard him say anything positive in a while. It does however seem that could change with his new rookie teammate Julius Randle. He tweeted the Kentucky star after the selection was announced and Randle tweeted back. Perhaps Kobe is excited to have a new teammate with some talent, but knowing Kobe he will find a reason to get upset with the young boy soon. Hit the jump.

(Photos) NBA: Could Miami Heat Draft Pick Shabazz Napier Help Keep Lebron In South Beach

Last night the Miami Heat didn’t have a draft pick until #26 but they were able to make a move that MIGHT save their franchise. The Heat moved up two spots to #24 to draft UCONN point guard Shabazz Napier to possibly be the future of running the team. There was more to this move also however. Napier is a favorite of Lebron James who has complimented him in the past and even did it again last night after the pick was made. The Heat are hoping this could show Bron they are willing to do what makes him happy to stay. Hit the jump.

(Photos) NBA: Why Are NBA Teams Asking Potential Players About Justin Bieber?

Potential NBA draft picks that are soon to be rookies in the league get asked some pretty interesting questions during the pre-draft interview process. Some questions are obviously related to basketball itself but some other questions are made to see where a players head is at. Before teams throw millions of dollars at a young man they want to get a feel for how their mindset works and try to analyze them to see if a particular player is a right fight. Turns out the topic of some of the questions is none other than Justin Bieber. Players are being asked if going on tour with the Biebs could be better than winning rookie of the year. It would not shock me if a couple guys gave the wrong answer. Hit the jump.

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