Awww… I love when people do this 🙂 J. Cole brought his beautiful mother as his date to tonight’s Grammys. Best of luck to you Cole! Wendy L.
Awww… I love when people do this 🙂 J. Cole brought his beautiful mother as his date to tonight’s Grammys. Best of luck to you Cole! Wendy L.
LOL Lupe you’re crazy for this!! I have no words for you, sir. Wendy L.
Adele has arrived and is ready to steal the show!! Check out another pic after the jump… Wendy L.
The billion dollar heiress showed her stuff on the Red Carpet. Hit the jump steveisDOPE
So far, this is the craziest outfit we’ve seen on tonight’s red carpet. Sasha Gardiva is rocking a machine gun/robotic shoulder as a part of her dress. Check out the look after the jump!! Wendy L.
Rebecca Black looked stunning as she hit the Red Carpet. steveisDOPE