Beyonce Is Writing A Movie About Freak Show Performer With Giant Rear

Beyonce has a new goal in mind, even after all her success. She wants to win an Oscar. We know of Bey’s previous work as an actress starring in the movies Obsessed, Austin Powers, Dreamgirls and so on and so forth. Although they were hit movies, Queen Bey still feels she is not taken as serious as an actress as she is a musician. So what do you if you have all the tools and power as such a Beyonce? You write a movie! Hit the jump for the full story.

Woman Drives Pick-Up Truck With BABY IN THE BACK

Florida news usually doesn’t surprise me; crazy people seem to flock to the state. But, this lady just showed them all up. She drove around Daytona with a baby in the back of her pick-up truck. Details after the jump. Emma Rabid

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