PS4 has been kicking Microsoft’s butt, and most people feel like it’s because of the price, but Microsoft has a fix…at least for now, but you might want to hurry up!!
PS4 has been kicking Microsoft’s butt, and most people feel like it’s because of the price, but Microsoft has a fix…at least for now, but you might want to hurry up!!
That’s right Down from back in March, between the bad market, and the Pressure to Get Rid of it From Kim, It’s Got To GO!! Drop down and see these Fine Digs!
While At CES I ran Across these, But checking back, They are available for purchase. Now I like the Syncs/Streets, but a good bit of ppl have checked in with me about the Price, well seems as though 50 has listened, at least a little bit. Now with a price drop and NEW Flavors, will you get the Sync’s / Streets?!?! Before you answer, hit the gallery to see the flavors!!!!
Nintendo announced yesterday they are dropping the price for the Wii. As Nintendo plans on going full speed with their Wii U, the idea of dropping the price is good for Nintendo since there people out there that still want a Wii. So before Nintendo completely drops the Wii to the abyss a price drop is definitely needed. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
Right away, Hit the Jump to See the story! Follow @TatWza +TatWZA
I guess it was bound to happen, to really gain traction Nintendo has decided to to cut the 3DS’s Price down from $249, but I expected for to come down to $199, but it’s much lower than that, which is a Happy unexpected surprise Find out after the Jump!!! Tat WZA