Wait What?! Pizza And WHAT Being Delivered By Papa John’s Employee???

Brooklyn papa John’s delivery man doing more then just delivering pizza he is accused of delivering drugs to people with pizza orders. Police say they have him on video 21 times selling coke to undercover agents. The Delivery guy’s most recent transaction is what forced police to move in and arrest Ramon Rodriguez. Rodriguez sold a kilo of coke to a undercover agent for a street value of $27, 500 DANM! Check out the reactions from his co-workers and family members.

Pizza Delivery Man Still Delivers Pizza After Getting Carjacked!!!

These are the kind of employees every business needs! Hit the jump for the full story!

(Video) #HILARIOUS! Action Bronson Talks To The #BlackRicanJew Morning Crew (Juan Epstein) !!!

I love pizza from almost anywhere too, Action Bronson! LoL! Hot 97’s morning crew talked to Queens’ own rapper/chef, Action Bronson. He fills us in on why he only wears shorts, his favorite places to eat and where he loves to go and spit his bars. Check him out on the Juan Epstein Podcast. He’s different and underestimated.

Pizza Delivery Man Charged With Rape

Be careful, make sure your doors are locked, psycho’s like 16 year old Bronx native Cesar Lucas are on the prowl. Recently Lucas was charged with rape after he reportedly snuck into a sleeping woman’s open apartment and raped her while she lay next to her sleeping infant. Hit the jump for more. Funk Flex

NFL: Peyton Manning Buying 21 Denver Pizza Stores

Maybe these current athletes did learn a lil something from ESPNS’s 30 for 30 ‘Broke’ documentary.  Recently Chad Johnson started a new business outside of football and now Peyton Manning is buying into one. Peyton Manning became the newest franchisee for Papa John’s pizza, signing a deal to own 21 stores in the Denver area Friday, the same day the pizza maker also announced it had signed a multi-year contract to continue as the official pizza of the NFL and the Super Bowl. GameTimeGirl

FOOD: Get a FREE Slice of Domino’s Pizza for Lunch Today!

If you’re taking a 1 o’clock lunch, you might want to run to you nearest Domino’s! Today only, from 12-2pm – Domino’s nationwide are handing out half a million free slices of their new handmade pan pizza. Find the Domino’s closest to you below and go grab a slice! @iBLONDEgenius

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