Study Shows That THIS Has More Longtime Effects On Children Than Parental Cocaine Use!!!

A recent study from the Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia has recently revealed that babies born to parents who used cocaine while pregnant, had no significant long-term growth effects different than those who’s parents didn’t use. Twenty-Five years ago, the government Ok’d a $7.9 million study on the growth of “crack babies.’ The researcher was supposed to document the long-term health effects that crack/cocaine use while pregnant was severely detrimental to children. While reviewing the study, researchers, instead, found out that it wasn’t as simple as it seemed.

Bombs Were Dropped On Great Barrier Reef By WHO??

A couple of U.S. marine jets were forced to drop four 500-pound bombs on the Great Barrier Reef after they began to run low on fuel. The lack of fuel is what made it necessary for the jets to drop the heavy load, stating that there would be no possible way to land safely. Check out more info after the jump.

Check Out What THIS Historic Comedian Had To Say About George Zimmerman’s Acquittal!!

Bill Cosby has now spoken…again. Known to relay his perspective on the nation’s current events, The Cos has now spoken out about the acquittal of George Zimmerman. Calling in to online-radio show, ‘DomNnate Radio Show,’ Cosby made his thoughts about the prosecution, State of Florida, guns, and even his views about our nation’s journalists quite clear. Check it out after the jump.

(Video) Bus Cam Captures Philly’s Deadly Building Collapse!!!

Recently, the tragic collapse of Philly’s Salvation Army Store has sent two men to jail and set the standard for building regulations. The tragedy occurred in June. It was noted that the operators of the machinery were heavily intoxicated by either drugs or alcohol, and the contractors had even received numerous e-mails regarding the condition of the building’s structure prior to the date of destruction. But, what has finally been made public is the dash cam footage from a SEPTA bus recording the actual collapse. Check it out below.

(Photos) Idiot! Man Gets Arrested After Commenting On His Own Wanted Picture!!!

What a Maroon….Pasco Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook Post read: “FUGITIVE OF THE DAY. This is Matthew Oliver a 23 year old male from the New Port Richey area. The Pasco Sheriff’s Office holds an active warrant for his arrest in reference to a Robbery.” Under this same picture, which happens to be from Matthew Oliver’s license. Without thought, Oliver began commenting on the very picture, leaving breadcrumbs for his arrest. Check out his comments after the jump.

(*GRAPHIC* Photos + Video) Bus Crash In Russia Leaves 18 Dead!!

A crash involving a large truck and a bus carrying children killed 18 people today in the village of Oznobishino, just outside of Moscow, Russia was caught on camera by another driver’s dash cam. Unfortunately, four of the victims died after getting to a local hospital. In addition to those dead, 25 people have been hospitalized with injuries. Hit the jump for the raw footage.

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