(Video) So Sad: California Woman Dies After Nurse Refuses To Do CPR

On Tuesday at 11 am, a 87-year-old resident of Glenwood Gardens collapsed at the facility while a staff member called 911 but refused to give the woman CPR. The elder woman was a resident at a Bakersfield retirement facility, and was denied CPR because it was against the facilities rules. Imagine your own grandmother or grandfather denied CPR — I can only image what it would be like to make that decision, but at the end of the day… isn’t life more important? The dispatcher is heard begging one of the nurses for help but they all refused. Hear the chilling footage of the sad phone called below.

Nurse In Kate Middleton Prank Blamed The DJs & The Hospital In Her Suicide Notes

Sad new details have been revealed in the suicide of Kate Middleton’s nurse. The notes she’d left behind before ending her life have been released, and she places the blame fully on the DJs that played the prank on her. That has to be tough for them! More info below. Marisa Mendez

Family Of The Nurse Who Committed Suicide From Kate Middleton Prank Speaks Out

A nurse at the UK hospital Kate Middleton was staying during pregnancy complications tragically took her own life on Friday, after being the victim of a phone prank from two radio personalities in Australia. It’s a controversial topic, as many argue that the two radio guys shouldn’t be held accountable as they could have never foreseen such drastic events transpiring as a result of their call, while on the other hand, her death was a direct result (or was it?) of their actions. Now, the family of the nurse (Jacintha Saldanha) is speaking out about it. See how they feel below. Marisa Mendez

You Would Never Believe What A Nurse Did To Get To The Hospital During Sandy!

Marsha Hedgepeth, an ER nurse in Jersey Shore made a brave decision the night Hurricane Sandy Hit. After losing power in her apartment, as her neighborhood flooded and her cell service went out, she decided that she was going to find her way to work…Keep reading to find out how dedicated she was to help the people and how she got to work! Mickey

Nurse Denies Student Inhaler While He’s Having An Asthma Attack!

A school nurse in Florida is under heavy fire after refusing to give a student, who was having an asthma attack, his inhaler. The nurse claims that she couldn’t find his parent consent form and refused to hand over the inhaler or call 911. According to the student, who is 17, the nurse shut the door in his face, sat at her desk smiling, and refused to get him help. I understand the importance of consent forms, but if you can clearly tell that a someone is asking for help and it’s your job to help them you should do what it takes. Read more below. Julie1205

Texas Nurse Shot Young Mother To Death And Took Newborn

A registered nurse was charged with capital murder after she confessed to shooting a young mother and kidnapping her newborn son outside a pediatrician’s office near Houston. Click below to read the rest of the story. Funk Flex

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