Tech Talk Gadget: Barnes & Noble Unveils New Glow In The Dark Nook!!!!

Barnes & Noble unveiled a new device to help keep them relevant in the competitive e-book/magazine market. Think it will phase Apple and Amazon? Hit the jump to check out the Glow in the dark Nook. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Tablets: Top Ten Best Tablets OF 2011

Tablets are the technology’s industry’s latest gold rush. With Apple selling 15 million iPads in 2010 and projected to sell as many as 45 million in 2011, everyone wants a piece of the public’s sudden infatuation with these multitouch slabs of silicon.  From the world’s biggest computer companies to obscure little parts makers, there have been an obscene number of companies releasing tablets this year and the number will only increase in 2012. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Warning: NEW Nook Color May Have Serious Protection Issues!!!

Apparently this could be Good or Bad, But It’s the story is rather lengthy, So just hit the Jump!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Device: Color eReader Nook Jumps In Tablet Game???

Well I guess since Barnes & Noble, and Amazon have been having a Battle of eReaders since the beginning, this was inevitable, But The NEW Color Nook it Now Tablet ‘like’, hit the Jump for the Specs! +TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Best Buy Lowers Nook Price

Best Buy has swiped $50 off the price of Barnes & Noble’s Nook Color e-reader, dropping it to $199.99 ahead of B&N’s Monday press conference to show off its next-generation Nook gadgets. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Tech Talk Device: Nook Now Plays Angry Birds!!

Well kinda, as long as you can ‘Root'(jailbreak) your nook, it can play angry birds, hit the jump to see the video! @TatWZA

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