Remember the really tan mom from NJ who caused a lot of controversy for being so charcoaled? Well toy companies made bank off of her this year, saying the action figure was the most popular item sold in 2012. Click below for details. Melissa
Remember the really tan mom from NJ who caused a lot of controversy for being so charcoaled? Well toy companies made bank off of her this year, saying the action figure was the most popular item sold in 2012. Click below for details. Melissa
Newark, New Jersey Mayor, Cory Booker is secure in his beliefs on guns due to some first-hand experience! Love this man!! See exactly how he explains his experience in the video after the jump! Biz Baby
Yay! One of the best politicians New Jersey (or the U.S. for that matter) has ever seen, Newark mayor Cory Booker has decided to run for senate in 2014! Below, he details his plans. Good luck! Marisa Mendez
Camden has been called one of the most violent cities around, but now they’ve made a step towards making a change. After the death of 27 people last week, I believe there has been a change put forth with some folks. Over this past weekend, the citizens of Camden have given up about 1,200 guns to a church in exchange for cash. Nearly 90% of the guns were in working condition, but the plan is to destroy them all. Good riddance. Everyone should find the nearest church and hand over the weapons. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)
Check IFWT Mix-N-Mash of the day. Hit the jump to see the gallery and read more on this set…. IamJAYBOON
An African cab driver has announced that he used voodoo to stop a young man from causing another unforseen massacre. Well, he tricked the boy into thinking he could make him vanish while he called the cops. This then triggered a lockdown at Trenton Central High School in NJ. The driver had scooped up the young boy on Thursday morning and he pulled out a pistol and admitted that he was about to kill his classmates because they almost killed him! The cab driver then calmed the boy down by comparing himself to him,comparing his struggles and finally telling him that he can give him some medicine to calm him down. The gullible boy believed him and agreed,this gave the cabbie time to call authorities. He’s def a hero! Steph B