Rovio has introduced a Halloween treat for Angry Birds fans: A new Angry Bird. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZAÂ
Rovio has introduced a Halloween treat for Angry Birds fans: A new Angry Bird. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZAÂ
I mean it’s definitely not on Everyone’s Page yet, I’ve only Been on Twitter since 2008, but I’m pretty sure I would have noticed at some point in that short time between then and Now, the Feature our @IFWTMusic sent me asking me when that got there, and I didn’t remember hearing about it, So I want your Opinion, so hit the Jump And get the Story!! WZA on Google+
I heard a report on the Radio(Not The Normal Station) about how There were Way More Women at the NYC Comic Con 2011, than Previous years, and I have to say that’s Correct, They also said The Women weren’t Dressed as Nerdy as the Guys, Well That’s kinda true Too, The Young Lady after the Jump Was Dressed Up, but YOu have to How She’s ‘Hanging’!!!! WZA on Google+
I Have to tell you, This Was Event Everybody should see in there life time, But for Now The Geeks, Nerds, Gaming Freaks & Techies(Like Me!!) Rule this Event!!!!! Hit the Jump IF you’re interested! WZA on Google+