Kicks: Supra Unveils Brand New Shoe The Magazine

SUPRA has just added a new premier kick to the already existing SPECTRE Collection. Supra “The Magazine” is a high-top skate shoe designed around performance. Coming in 2 colorways, with a 3rd all red one not released yet, the shoes are scheduled to drop this Spring, You like this new addition to the SUPRA family? Hit the jump to see more images…

(Trailer) Transformers 4: Age Of Extinction

This Movie Looks INCREDIBLE!! Of course we know they had some Sh*t in store for us, But I saw Dinobots, and thats what I needed!!

(Video) Hey Radio Shack, The 80’s Wants It’s Store Back?!

I love this, “Hey Radio Shack, The 80’s called, they want Their Store back, and in comes a mass of 80’s icons!!

Check Out Netflix’s New Movie/TV Show Rotation!

Netflix is the way a lot of people watch their favorite shows and movies, and with the ever ‘new’, and ‘recently added’ lists changing, I’m always on Tues and Fri morns to see what they got, but now there is a schedule I, we know in advance!!!

(Photo) Twitter Adding Buying Power To Your Timeline?!

Twitter has been really on a make over grind, adding little UI do dads here and there, of course cause a ripple across all apps and plugins related to Twitter, but this NEW addition might be what takes them to yet another level!!

(Photo) Burger King Debuts Soggy ‘Chicken & Waffle’ Sandwich

I mean this is just not looking right! Would you care to taste a sorry soggy looking sandwich?!

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