(Video) Men Go Streaking During Live NBC Hurricane Irene Newscast!!

Hurricane Irene has the East Coast on the tip of their toes right now. That did not stop a group of guys to go running around half naked in their town. One of them even had a blooper. See how a group of guys had fun with Hurricane Irene after the jump. @ShottaDru

(Photos) Hurricane Irene Rocks North Carolina!!!

As New York patiently waits for Hurricane Irene arrival it pass through North Carolina, four deaths are currently reported from there. Check out a photo gallery of Hurricane Irene damage in North Carolina after the jump. @ShottaDru

(Photos) Images Of The Great New England Hurricane of 1938 That Ripped Through The Northeast!!

Multiple weather reports are foreshadowing the effects of Hurricane Irene and comparing it to the effects of the Great New England Hurricane– one of the most powerful and destructive storms ever to hit the northeast (southern New England in particular). Man, I really hope history won’t repeat itself because these photos are NOT cool! Hit the jump to see pics and read more details about the storm! @ItsLukieBaby

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