(Photo) Dine & Dasher Is Put On Blast On Facebook?!?

These restaurant owners have come up with a better punishment for dine and dashers! Rather than the same old Wall of Shame, these restaurant owners put one man on Blast using their Facebook page. Read more after jump

You Wouldn’t Believe Where This Woman Gave Birth!!!

A 21 year old woman, delivered her baby in the most unexpected place ever. Luckily they promote “freshness”. You’ll never guess! Read more after the jump to find out!!

SMH: Kobe Bryant Beef With His Mom Is Over WHAT????

Danm Money really can destroy families if you let it. According to TMZ Kobe Bryant and his mother are Feuding over money. Kobe is suing his mother over Memorabilia that his mother has sent to Auction. This whole feud really took off over real estate

Two Brothers Set Record In Burning Lotto Money

What would you do if you won the lotto?? Find out how two brothers from Kansas blew their lotto winnings. Details after the jump.

Missing Couple In Nevada, Only One Survived !

Wow! So a couple from Califronia, Paula Lane, 46, and Roderick Clifton, 44 were on their way home to Neveda from her mothers house in Citrus Heights, Calif. when a snow storm hit and there car got stuck..for a week! Lane said after a couple of days Clifton went to look for help and never came back. After a week of a massive manhunt across two states was launched to find the couple, Lane was found by the highway. Clifton was found a couple of miles away dead, but they said it doesn’t look like there was any foul play involved. Mickey

Real-Money Gambling From Words With Friends Company

Zynga, a popular online gaming website known for Farmville 2 & Words With Friends, has entered an application to the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Part of the companies plan to enter the real-money gambling markets. Due to the companies recent faults, they are looking for new revenue drivers. They see gambling, being one of the largest leisure activities in this country, as a gold mine. The starting 12-18 month process should get Zynga past initial regulations. Once passed, it can then apple for a gaming license. This could be big news not only for consumers but for government as well. In a time where proper taxation could get us back on our feet, I’m sure the government is staying open to all options. Tat Wza

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