(Video) Missouri Gunman Kills 7 People In A 4 Home Shooting Spree!!

A Missouri man killed 7 people inside of 4 different homes in a rural community before killing himself Thursday night. Read more after the jump…

Citizens Of Ferguson Question The “Integrity” Of A Charity Built By Talib Kweli

Following the tragic and highly publicized death of Ferguson, Mo. teen Mike Brown, was the creation of charity organizations, dedication songs, documentaries, murals and more – all in the name of Ferguson. One charity, The Ferguson Legal Defense Fund created by legendary rapper Talib Kweli and colleague Donna Dragotta was one of the highest funded raised projects. The $145,000 donations – more than 200% pass their goal – were to go toward the Ferguson citizens’ “jail, bail & life” following the gas-filled protests taken place on their streets. It’s been two months since the IndieGoGo fund closed down any further donations. However, the residents of Ferguson, who deeply care about the city, are wondering where the money has gone. Hit the jump for more.

Another Teen, Antonio Martin Was Shot And Killed By A Missouri Police Officer

It’s Chrstimas Eve and instead of celebrating the holiday with family, Antonio Martin, 18 was shot and killed in a Mobil gas station parking lot, in Berkeley, Missouri by a police officer. The teen was then bagged, placed on a gurney and transported in a mini van. Allegedly, Martin was in possession of a 9mm gun, and had pulled it out on the officer. Hit the jump for details.

(Photos) The Obamas Reveal Their Personal Struggles With Racism

Race is the hot topic all over the world right now especially surrounding the Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York. incidents. In a recent interview President Obama And Michelle reveal their personal struggles with racism in America. Are The Obamas Being Treated Like The Help? Michelle Obama recalls an incident she witnessed President Obama experience: “He was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee.” Did someone really disrespect the President of the United States like that? More stories below.

NFL: Black Officers Defend The Rams’ ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’

The Ethical Society of Police (ESOP), representing a majority of black officers in St. Louis, has taken a bold stand and issued a statement supporting the Rams’ Hands Up, Don’t Shoot gesture. ESOP goes on to explain that there is slim to no black representation on the boards of the Fraternal Order of Police & the Police Officers Association. So, they broke away, expressing 100% support to the Rams, calling their actions “commendable,” even praising them on “taking a stand on this very important issue.” Read the actual statement issued by these African-American officers after the jump!

(Video) Teen Is Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Beating His Teacher!

Kevin Straub, a 15-year-old from Missouri is convicted of 10 years in prison for beating his 42-year-old teacher at Innovative Concept Academy in St. Louis. The teacher was beaten so bad that he had suffered a stoke from the beatdown. Check out the video and read more on the story after the jump!

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