(Video) Joe Jackson Has A Theory As To Why Wade Robeson Is “Lying” About MJ Molesting Him!

Everyone has an opinion on this Michael Jackson/Wade Robson situation. It’s Joe Jackson’s turn now! According to him, Wade is lying, he’s being paid to lie, and the people that are paying him are behind these allegations. Drop down bottom to hear MJ’s dad’s theory!

2005 Testimony To Be Key In Wade Robson’s Molestation Lawsuit Against Michael Jackson

Back in 2005 when Michael Jackson was on trial for molestation claims against him, Wade Robson testified that Michael never touched him or did anything inappropriate with him. Now that Wade doesn’t really have a job much anymore, he’s claiming that MJ did molest him and he couldn’t testify back in the day because he was working for the singer. It turns out that MJ’s former housekeeper testified back in ’05 that she witnessed Michael and Wade naked together in the shower back in the ’80s when Wade was only about 8 or 9-years-old. The old testimony could now be the key to Wade’s entire lawsuit. Read more about what she said below.

(Video) Wade Robson Opens Up About Michael Jackson Allegations…MJ Estate Responds

After filing a suit against Michael Jackson’s estate earlier this week for sexual abuse as a child, Wade Robson has opened up about his claims. Though he’d previously said under oath that NOTHING inappropriate had gone on between him and Michael, he explains why he changed his story and what made him come forward. Watch the interview below, as well as a response from MJ’s camp.

(Photos) Wade Robson Is Also Filing A Civil Lawsuit Against WHO ?!?!

Wade Robson is taking this all the way to the bank, and there’s no turning back from here! We know that he’s suing the MJ estate based on allegations that between the ages of 7-14, “The King of Pop” sexually molested him. This may or may not be heard in front of a jury of his peers, but that’s why another claim was filed in civil court, for compensatory damages. Find out further details down below.

(Video) Is Wade Robson Ready To Break The Silence On MJ Allegations?!

He looks too happy to be a person with suppressed memories of child molestation. After known choreographer, Wade Robson announced that Michael Jackson had molested him as a child, there were a few skeptical people (me being one) and now we’re wondering what exactly have you suppressed, when did the memories show-up, and where do you go from here, because it’s been how long? Now Wade is saying that he wants to open up about the situation, but it’s pretty much going to be on his own terms. Drop down bottom and check it out.

(Video) Omarion – Vlog: Maybach O Series [Pt. 3]

Almost exactly a year since the “entertaining” MMG press conference to announce his signing among other things, O aka Luke Skywalker creates his own moonwalk, calls it the sun glide and does it in Paris. See the vlog below.

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