(Video) Massachusetts Police Caught Beating Suspect Even After He Surrendered

In a recent video, police are seen beating a man after he surrendered. A man who’s identity has not been released gave police a run for their money as he lead them on a high speed chase. Once the man finally surrendered, police are seen beating the man.

DJ Fined For Playing “F*ck The Police” At A Massachusetts Bar

25-year-old DJ Boogy was fined for disorderly conduct after playing N.W.A’s “F*ck tha Police” at a bar. The incident took place in October. Police had to get 350 people out of a club that could only hold 160. As this was happening, Boogy played the N.W.A. track.

(Photos) Former Baby-sitter Charged With Kidnapping Of A 2-year-old Massachusetts Toddler

Twenty-one year old Abigail Hanna of Topsfield, Massachusetts has been charged for the kidnapping of little Lyndon Albers who was found naked, bruised and alone with her head shaved on the side of the road. Read more after the jump.

(Photos) Lottery Player Wins $1 Million, For The Second Time!

Could you imagine hitting the lottery for $1 million? Now, could you imagine hitting the lottery for that same amount again? Sounds unbelievable, but it actually happened to a woman named Constance Carpenito from Massachusetts. Read more after the jump.

(Audio) Woman Arrested For Slashing Kids Throats AND Setting Apartment On Fire !

Woman Arrested For Slashing Kids Throats AND Setting Apartment On Fire This is Something on a whole new Level , A Women in Salem , Massachusetts is Arrested for Slashing her children’s throats and then setting there home on fire , Click READ MORE to hear the police report and to Get More Info on the Tragedy.

Man Is Accused Of Pouring Hot Sauce In Boy’s Mouth And Taping It Shut As Punishment!

A Massachusetts man named Christopher Delcid, 21, is now facing child abuse charges for beating and pouring hot sauce in his girlfriend’s 4-year-old son’s mouth and taping it shut as punishment. Read more on the story after the jump!

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