Marvel’s “Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.” Exhibit is now OPEN!

On friday May 23, 2014 the Avengers Station Exhibit opened in Times Square, NYC. The 10, 000 square foot, 7.5 million spectacle is designed to be a full size replica of the Shield base. It has holograms and station activities for all things Avenger. Upon entering you will be given an ID card, and some of the rooms have movie props like the hammer in the Thor movie.

(Video) Real Life Marvel Superhero Dangerous Gadgets On The Rise?!

Well right now it’s limited to one guy, AnselmoFanZero, but he’s got a couple really cool gadgets you’ll want to see…IF you’re a big Marvel fan like me 0_0

(Trailer) All New Marvel Movie; “X-Men: Days Of The Future Past”

Awww Man, I Really really really really…well you get it, I really can’t wait to see This!!!

(PHOTO) NBA: Marvel Designs Mask For LeBron James!

After LeBron’s big 61 point night on Monday, Marvel decided to design a special heroic mask for him.  It was designed by Greg Land of “Uncanny X-Men” fame.  Check it out & let us know what you think…

(Video) This Spider-Man 2 Looks ‘Amazing’, Packed With Bad Guys!!!

This will mow def be yet another Marvel Money Maker, and rightfully so as this looks like it could be the Best Spider-Man Yet!! We know Electro, but Rhino too…and More!!

(Video+Photos) Sexy Girls, Stan Lee, & The Hip Hop Gamer At ComicConNY 2013!!!!

Ok, the girls were sexy(like Coco), but let me tell you whole story! I actually forgot ComicCon was gonna be in NY last weekend, so the week before when I realized, I asked my guy Lin, and Loud Digital producer Michelle if they had a connect. Michelle immediately thought of Liz(EP for the Hip Hop Gamer), and Liz came through! So my Son(Jaden) and I went down there on Sunday and it was on!!

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