Sports: Marcus Vick, Brother of Michael Vick Arrested For Driving While High!

This news is just breaking. Obviously driving while high is not a technical term for an arrest, but its a fact. Vick was pulled over in Georgia overnight. The 29-year-old former Virginia Tech quarterback was driving a 2013 Lexus LX570 which was stopped around 2:30 AM for expired tags. During the stop Police smelled a strong odor of marijuana and arrested him for DUI. No word yet if he has been released or if he is still being held. This is far from the first time he has been in trouble with Police. It’s ashame too because at one point he was very talented but his focus was wrong.

NFL: SMH, He’s At It Again! Michael Vick’s Brother Rips Eagles Fans!

Again, social media isn’t for everyone. SMH.  Michael Vick’s brother once again took to Twitter & caused some controversy.  I’m sure Michael isn’t going to be happy about this (again).  I know Marcus is just sticking up for his brother, but sometimes some things just shouldn’t be said.  Michael is out with an injury and Marcus went off about Eagles fans (during the game yesterday) that don’t believe in his brother. Check out his tweets after the jump…

NFL: Marcus Vick Puts Bounty Out On Riley Cooper; Michael Vick Reacts!!

The madness that this man has created –  he deserves all the backlash he’s getting. Yesterday footage of Eagles WR Riley Cooper using a racial slur surfaced and the sports world went crazy. We saw many reactions yesterday including reactions from teammate Michael Vick and Lil Wayne. Well Michael Vick’s brother Marcus (who likes to create Twitter controversy) is up to his old antics. He put a bounty on Cooper’s head.  He later deleted his tweets and said he’s deleting his Twitter page, but it’s still there. Michael Vick was told about his brother’s bounty offer and responded to it.  Check out all the tweets & reaction after the jump…

NFL: Marcus Vick Compares Zimmerman Case To Michael Vick’s Case. What Do You Think?!

Someone should probably ban Michael Vick’s brother from Twitter.  Social media isn’t for everyone.  This is not what Michael Vick needed right now. Obviously people are not happy with Marcus Vick’s comments, but to be fair – he’s allowed to have an opinion.  The crazy part is that I’ve seen a lot of people calling Marcus names and saying he’s stupid, ignorant, etc — BUT I have seen people compare the two cases prior to his comments (see examples in gallery). Marcus Vick just took to Twitter to compare the Zimmerman case to his brothers’ legal troubles.  Check out what he had to say & weigh in!

NFL: Michael Vick’s Brother Back To Talking Sh*t On Twitter!

Oh lawd.  Here we go again.  How do we get Twitter taken away from this guy?!  Last November Michael Vick had to talk to his brother Marcus because he went on a rant about the Eagles on Twitter.  Looks like another talk may be coming.  SMH.

NFL: Michael Vick’s Brother Marcus Sentenced To Jail Time

More trouble for Michael Vick’s brother Marcus. The last time he made headlines, he got in hot water for going on a Twitter rant about the need for his brother Michael to be traded from the Eagles.  This time he’s legally in trouble and will spend some time in jail. Report after the jump… GameTimeGirl

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