(Photos) NFL: Lol, Check Out How Adrian Peterson Rang In The New Year

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Adrian Peterson’s knee was wrecked during the Vikings win over Washington on Christmas Eve. He had successful knee surgery on Friday, so that meant celebrating New Year’s in the hospital. Peterson somehow still found a way to party and tweeted a pic.  Check it out after the jump…

Woman Arrested For Driving Drunk, Kneeing Cop, Then Takes The Best Mugshot Ever!!!

I don’t promote drinking and driving at all but if you were to take that away from the story. The cursing at the cops, getting into a scuffle and kneeing a cop in the crotch. Then taking what might be one of the best mugshots ever makes me want to root for this girl at court. less jail more community service and never getting her license back but hey im no judge. Click below to find out more. @WiLMajor

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