There seems to be some confusion on Apple’s end. It may seem that Apple may have offered a free adapter with the preoder of the iPhone 5. Reps have come forward and claimed it was mistake on Apple’s end. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
There seems to be some confusion on Apple’s end. It may seem that Apple may have offered a free adapter with the preoder of the iPhone 5. Reps have come forward and claimed it was mistake on Apple’s end. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
The iPhone 5 went on sale today at 12:01 am and to no one’s surprise the phone sold out in an hour. The only problem was the unexpected (or expected) traffic Apple received on its site. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
Everyone is not happy about grandfathering in customers with their unlimited plans with the iPhone 5 ..I guess Verizon had a change of heart and said sure you can keep your unlimited plans, you just have to buy your iPhone in full. Those people over at Verizon re ruthless Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
Apple has confirmed with that the iPhone 5 will go on sale at 12:01 am tomorrow. So get your coffee mugs and Redbull for tomorrow’s fiasco. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
It was annouced that the iPhone 5 will release on 3 of the 4 big careeirs which inclde Verizon, Sprint and At&t, but it was annnouced earlier today that Cricket Wireless will be offering a contract free Iphone 5. This is good news for those not looking to attach themselves to any contracts. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA
The question everyone wanted to know about the iPhone 5 is will the larger screen affect apps and the way they are displayed on Apple’s newest device. And now developers are looking for ways to enhance their apps for better viewing on the iPhone 5. Yungjohnnybravo x TaWZA