(Video) Dude Humps Girlfriend In Front of Their Kids

Dude Humps Girlfriend In Front of Their Kids. I’m not a big fan of telling people how to raise their kids but certain things they just shouldn’t see or be exposed to.

Innocent Man Freed After 37 Years In Prison

Innocent Man Freed After 37 Years In Prison. Stories like this really makes me think about the amount of innocent people in jail or prison right now, knowing they did not commit the crime they’re being charged for but because no one else believes them, their lives are literally wasting away.

Kentucky Teens Wanted in “Bonnie & Clyde” Crime Spree

Kentucky Teens Wanted in “Bonnie & Clyde” Crime Spree. The two runaways, an 18yr old male and a 13 yr old female are wanted by police for destroying thousands of dollars in property, stealing vehicles and cashing false checks.

(Scary) Man Awakens After 12 Years And Says He Was Aware Of Everything

Man Awakens After 12 Years And Says He Was Aware Of Everything. It was back in the 1980’s when the doctors told Martin that he had Cryptococci Meningitis which is a fatal fungal disease.

(Video) Man Escapes Cops In Probation Office

Man Escapes Cops In Probation Office. This has got to be a first because I’ve never seen anything like this before. Two cops wrestling with a man who eventually escaped BOTH of their grasp, check out the video after the jump!

(Video) Cop Turns Himself In For Attacking MTA Worker

Cop Turns Himself In For Attacking MTA Worker. The NYPD needed the public’s help to identify a man last week who attacked an MTA worker. The MTA worker was informing passengers about service changes when she was approached by a man who grew frustrated and took out his anger on her. Watch a video of him after the jump!

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