(Photos) McDonald’s Delivers In NYC

Last Monday, McDonald’s began testing out a delivery service in New York City. Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn will be the guinea pig for this new operation.

(Video) Update: NYPD Cop Shot In Head In Queens,

Update: NYPD Cop Shot In Head In Queens There’s a massive manhunt happening right now in search of a gunman that shot a plainclothes NYPD cop at 212th street and 104th avenue in Queens Village, NY.

(Video) Girl Attacks Mother Then Her Son In a Fight

Girl Attacks Mother Then Her Son In a Fight. Just when I think this world can’t get any more disgusting, I get proved wrong once again. Check out the horrific video of an 8th grader beating a woman then her son in a fight.

(Video) Man Is Assaulted By Police While In Handcuffs

Man Is Assaulted By Police While In Handcuffs. Coward.. all I saw in that video was a cowardly man who can’t control himself and takes advantage of those who can’t defend themselves. We all know this happens all the time during interrogation but to actually see it is very disgusting.

(Video) Top 5 Ways To Know You’re In The Friend Zone

Top 5 Ways To Know You’re In The Friend Zone. The friend zone can be a tricky place to be in because you never really know that you’re in it when you are. So many guys (and girls) are friend zoned daily and it’s pretty embarrassing to actually see someone try so hard to get themselves out of such a difficult position. The video below lists the top five ways for people to know when they’re being friend zoned and it’s pretty spot on.

(Video) Kid Gets In Security Guard’s Face And Gets Knocked Out

Kid Gets In Security Guard’s Face And Gets Knocked Out. To all you fake tough guys out there that go to the gym five days a week, lift a crazy amount and feel like you can take on anybody or anything.. You can’t. Check out the video below.

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