(Photos) Some People Have Yachts, But Russian President Vladimir Putin Has THIS!!!

Recently Russian President Vladimir Putin has made news for his handling of The Snowden situation. However, earlier this week, he was spotted taking a red submersible to dive and examine the wreck of a 19th century frigate. How cool is that? Check it out after the jump.

(Caught On Tape) Woman Constantly Sh*ts Outside Near Man’s House!!

Remember Chappelle’s Show, where he would portray druggie, Tyrone Biggums? Well, in New Mexico, one man’s surveillance camera has captured a woman that has something in common with Biggums. She sh*ts out on the sides of houses. The homeowner told news reporters that he initially assumed that the feces belonged to a homeless person, but when it kept occurring, his curiosity led him to install a camera facing the site. And, to his surprise, he saw a female jogger detour her route to squat and– well, see for yourself below.

(Photos) Tragic! 8-Year-Old Witnesses Her Mother’s Murder!!

28-year-old Teresa Nelson was stabbed to death by her boyfriend, 22-year-old Douglas Manns… all witnessed by her 8-year-old daughter. Hit the jump for the sad details.

(Photos) WTF?? Man Hiding In Septic Tank Charged As Peeping-Tom!!

How’s this for a sh*tty view! While accompanying her daughter to the restroom at an Oklahoma Park, a woman noticed a man standing under the toilet. She noticed that he was alive and conscious, so she immediately called the police. Check out the full police report after the jump.

(Photos) Woman Hides .22 WHERE And Gets How Much Time???

“I got a little .22, I call her ‘Peggy Sue,’ When I’m off to the club, she fits right in my shoe.” –That’s Jay-Z. One woman tries the same, but the pistol wasn’t in her shoe, it was occupying the space between her legs. Hit the jump for the story.

(Photos) OKAY!!! Check The Customization On This “Fur-rari!”

As if a $179,000 doesn’t already scream LUXURY, a Ferrari 599 that puts waking up in a new Bugatti to shame was spotted in London. Hit the jump to see what was done to it.

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