He Doesn’t Get Tired: Kevin Gates Inks Energy Drink Distribution Deal

Kevin Gates is known for his lyrics, “I Don’t Get Tired.” In between working on his upcoming album Islah, Louisiana rapper took his lyrics and turned them into an energy drink. Partnering with Candyman Vending Services, Gates has landed a distribution deal for his drink appropriately titled “I Don’t Get Tired.” Check it out below.

Out With The Old: Kevin Gates Rids Instagram Of All Videos & Photos

BWA – Ion Get Tired – I eat booty – I been having sex with my cousin for two years; all catch phrases we’ve known Kevin Gates to say during his daily posts to Instagram. Gates’ Instagram was a riot to watch, but it seems like he’s ready to start anew. With 2015 in full swing, the Baton Rouge artist takes down all videos and photos, with the exception of two. Hit the jump for more.

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