Special delivery!! LOL Funk Flex dresses up as a UPS man for Halloween!!! Funk Flex
Special delivery!! LOL Funk Flex dresses up as a UPS man for Halloween!!! Funk Flex
DJ Tedsmooth sent over this pic and it had us all rolling. Hit the jump to see this year’s funniest Halloween costume!!! Wendy L. x TatWza
Cubana Lust dressed up as a Dominatrix for Halloween… hit the jump to see the pic! @DJTech4
Jersey Shore star DJ Pauly D put his Halloween face on at Rain Nightclub at The Palms in Las Vegas this weekend. Check out what he wore after the jump!! Wendy L.
Wow!! Heidi Klum created some serious shock value at Tao Nightclub in Vegas last night when she was wheeled into the Halloween party on an autopsy table. What’s even crazier was her intricate make-up! I always give props to the beautiful women of Hollywood that go the opposite route of the “sexy” Halloween costume. Hit the jump to see more pics of Heidi’s costume and to see the step-by-step transformation!! Wendy L.
C. Milli got in the Halloween spirit this weekend and sported not one, but TWO costumes!! Hit the jump to check them out!! Wendy L.