(Video) Man Gets Away After Vicious Battle With Grizzly Bear

This guy was hiking through the Montana woods yesterday morning, searching for elk. What he found was a Grizzly bear and two cubs instead and actually lives to tell the tale.

Hiker Snapshots Grizzly Bear Before Death

Who knew snapping an innocent picture of a grizzly bear at Alaska’s Denali National Park would lead to the death of forty-nine year-old hiker, Richard White? The park has been closed down until further notice. Click below to read more. Funk Flex

Hunter Shoots Grizzly Bear, Animal Attacks & Kills Partner

Two hunters were tracking a wounded grizzly bear into an area of heavy cover along the Idaho-Montana border when the animal attacked, fatally injuring one of the men before his partner could kill the bear, authorities say. Continue reading after the jump. @capriSUNshine

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