(Video) NFL: Police Capture Browns Fan That Urinated on the Grave of Late Ravens Owner, Art Modell

Some fans take things way too far and this is one of those instances.  A Cleveland Browns fan urinated on the grave of deceased Baltimore Ravens owner, Art Modell.  If that wasn’t bad enough, he videotaped himself doing the dirty deed and it went viral on the Internet.  The man has now been identified and captured.

(PIC) SMH! The Tomb Of Michael Clarke Duncan Vandalized By What ?!?!

Well this is disturbing, A friend close to the family of late actor, Michael Clarke Duncan stopped by his grave in Hollywood Hills to leave flowers for her deceased friend when she noticed something very odd about his tomb. There was a cartoon-looking black face figure attached to the middle of Duncan’s tomb. The friend says she believes the cartoonish character is supposed to be “Sambo,” a children’s book character from the late 1800′s, early 1900′s. Sambo” later became known as a racial slur and an offensive depiction of Black people….SMH more after the jump

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