(Video) Congress Crazies Defund ObamaCare!!

Can Obama live? The U.S. Congress recently passed a short term spending plan, that will fund government operations but will withhold funding for ObamaCare. Really??? To see the crazies in Congress justify this, click below.

(Video) The Process Has Begun! Gun Bill Passes Through Senate Pit Stop!

The process for the proposed gun law that will allow more extensive background checks as well as more extreme penalties for gun trafficking has begun. One of the obstacles that was in the way, was the vote for lawmakers to debate on the issue. The vote for said debate took place today and won in a vote of 68-31. GOP senators who opposes the bill made an attempt to slow the process down, however Democrats and Republicans were able to get pass that. The next step is a vote on amendments, which would mostly effect universal background checks. “The plan would expand checks to gun-show and Internet sales, but exempt certain personal transactions.” I need to hear the voting on this. I mean, it’s not just ‘official’ gun permit holders who need this background check. The personal transactions need to be modified as well. Both side do have great arguments, but it’s still a SHAME. Drop down bottom for more details.

Republican Idaho Senator Arrested For Drunk Driving!

Republican senator from Idaho,  Mike Crapo, has been arrested in Virginia for drunk driving.  According to reports he was pulled over for running a red light, the cop then had him do a few sobriety tests which he failed. He was taken into custody for this DUI and will have to appear in court.  Be careful out on these streets during the holiday season, no one is exempt! Steph  B

Obama Takes Blame For Benghazi Attacks?!

Obama blasted the GOP’s attack on Susan Rice and claimed that if they were to go after anyone, it should be him. He said that Susan Rice is an easy target for the Benghazi attacks and that the GOP’s should take it out on him. What do you guys think? Do you think that Obama’s to blame? Click below for the rest of the story and then let us know your thoughts! Melissa Nash

GOP Strikes Again-Candidate Believes Pregnancy Via Rape Is Gift From God

Republican Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock stated a life created as the result of rape is “something that God intended to happen.” This comes weeks after Missouri Senate Candidate Republican Representative Todd Akin said “legitimate rape” rarely leads to pregnancy. It seems abortion is a subject the GOP should leave alone. Click below to read more. Funk Flex

(Video) New Mexico Republican Asked To Resign After Red Light District Photo Surfaces

There must be some connection with Government officials with the last name Wiener and sex scandals. First Rep. Weiner, now we are learning that Michael Wiener, a GOP county commissioner in New Mexico posed for pictures with scantly clad women in a red light district in the Philippines. The photo, pictured above, surfaced earlier this week. Get the full story after the jump. steveisDOPE

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