Google Reports More Removal Requests From Who???

Google has been reporting the number of request companies and governments ask for particular material to be removed from its searches for three years now. Google reports that from July to December 2012, it received 2,285 government requests to remove 24,179 pieces of content.

Google Purchased Startup Company Wavii For HOW MUCH?!?!

Google has been in a bidding war with Apple for the company Wavii, which is a natural language processing startup. Google came out on top and purchased the company for around $30 million. The founder, Adrian Aoun and his employees will join the Google staff in the Knowledge Graph department.

Fox Wants THIS Off Of Google?!?!

Fox is always quick when it comes to sending DCMA notifications to protect its shows from being pirated online. This time someone made a mistake. There is a novel called Homeland that has nothing to do with the hit series on Showtime with the same name.

The Google Movie: Internship Releases Another Trailer

In February we reported on a new film called The Internship, which stars Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson from The Wedding Crashers. 20th Century Fox has released its second trailer release for the Google movie.

Google’s CEO Confirms New Device Runs On Android!!

Google’s CEO, Larry Page, confirmed today what everyone has suspected for months that Google Glass runs on Android. He mentioned it during the companies quarter earnings call.

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