NBA: Shaq Admits His Lakers Team Tanked Games For Playoff Positioning

Shaquille O’Neal has made a second career out of saying things that garner attention, but Thursday he dropped a real ear-catcher.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

Tech Talk Gaming: The Latest News On @GamerTagRadio!!!

Check out the radical beat ‘em up action in Double Dragon Neon. You do not want to stand in the way of these two as they make their way through Chinatown knocking silly whatever that stands in there way. @YungJohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Apps: Easter Tech Goodies

Now it is time to get into the spirit of Easter by following all the traditions which include buying chocolate bunnies, basket of candies, coloring the eggs and visiting the Easter parade with full boom. But with all these rituals, one more tech tradition has evolved over the years for this colorful festival and that is Easter-themed Apps for the iOS and Androidusers. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Gaming: Max Payne Coming To iOS!!!

Another oldie but goodie is getting the iOS treatment, and if you loved the original Max Payne you’ll be buying this one. @Yungjohnnbravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk News: A New Study Says Wealthy Don’t Play Games On Smartphones

I mean I didn’t even think they needed a Study to say that, If you successful you may not have time to play games, duh! I mean I’m just blessed enough that ‘playing games’ is apart of my duties!! Hit the Jump for the News. +TatWZA

Tech Talk Gaming: Sega Expects Extraordinary Losses, Plans on Cancelling Games

Sega notified investors today that it expects to post huge losses for their fiscal year due to the “severe economic environment” in the United States and Europe as well as “rapid changes” in the market. In order to recover, they plan to make drastic changes. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

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