#Freestyle054 Bruh, you know how this goes, we’re here with BARS sick enough to be it’s own epidemic of SARS…. ok I know I was reaching, but I do love listening to these rhymes, but then again, I come from the real Hip Hop era…. Tat Wza IG | Twitter | Snapchat(Snapcode; Screenshot and ADD) Ok let me explain this a little, you know we fux with the Battle Rap culture, I’ve told Beasley and Smack to their face they’ve kept the BAR culture alive, especially in this trap era(mumbles)! Yes we’re tight with URL, but out of the URL camp, Arsonal started his own network called UDubb, which is gaining it’s own success, and we do respect that!! On top of that we’re mad cool with Officially Ice from twitter, and that’s Ars’ Brother, so factoring all that in, we had to get him up…. And it def was lit; Now after this freestyle I had to tell Ars I fux with Beas and Smack, heavy… but Are said ‘nah Tat, it’s all love, I fux with them too, I just mean business up here’…. I have to agree, he murdered that ?