So, I’m not ashamed to say that I partake in VH1’s Monday night shenanigans – e.g., Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, and I know I’m not the only one. In case you missed these past couple of weeks, Mimi and Nikko have been on the rocks. I mean, what do expect when you find out that the man is not only married, but his ex-bestfriend/roommate (sure) tells you that he’s possibly been secretly video-tapping you alls sex sessions. Yup, that’s Mimi Faust’s life. Although Mimi’s friends have been telling her from day one that the man was a lame, she didn’t believe them. Now, one of those friends or shall we say former friends have come back – not to say I told you so (which, in this particular situation I would have done), but to say, I’m sorry for what you’re going through. K. Michelle extends her empathy and reaches out to Mimi via twitter. Hit the jump for the exchange of words from the ladies.