Tech Talk News: Can You Force Someone To Be Your Facebook Friend??

In need for some people to Facebook chat while at work? Well you might be able to force someone to be your Facebook friend. Check out the story after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: Apple Fires Employee For Posting To Facebook!!!

They didn’t even Need Trump for this, they did it themselves, a UK Apple Employee found himself Fired after posting “Private”(Meaning only some people could see it, not his whole list of friends), but it found it’s way to Apple higher ups, and that was all she wrote, well he wrote, at least while employed by Apple, Hit the Jump for Story! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Content: Some Funny Stuff From G+!!!!

You know I have been championing Google+ since the beginning, So I love it when I find great content on there, and I found 2 pics that I felt like I had to share!!! Hit the Jump! WZA on Google+

(Fellas Check The Pics) Flower Tucci And Friends Doing What They Do Best

Hit the jump to see the pics. djtech4

(Fellas Check The Pics) Brianna Love And Friends Doing What The Do Best

Check out Brianna Love And friends doing what they do best. Hit the jump to see the pics. djtech4

Tech Talk Web: A Better Look At How The NEW Facebook Moves!!!

Ok We all know Facebook has made some pretty significant Changes, that you may or may not like. Now usually I let you know asap/pronto of changes to anything on the web, especially to social media, but besides being more entertained with Google+ opening up to the public, but now that a couple days have passed, I’ve had time to see if you ‘like’ or don’t ‘like’ the changes, see the decision after the Jump! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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