Models In S. Florida Drugged For Underground Porn

A scam lured models and actresses to South Florida to participate in promised roles. When the women got there, a pair of men drugged them and sexually assaulted them-on video. Details after the jump. Emma Rabid

Woman Drives Pick-Up Truck With BABY IN THE BACK

Florida news usually doesn’t surprise me; crazy people seem to flock to the state. But, this lady just showed them all up. She drove around Daytona with a baby in the back of her pick-up truck. Details after the jump. Emma Rabid

Florida River Kills Three With BRAIN-EATING SPECIES!! (GRAPHIC)

Brains are really important pieces of the body; just ask JFK and the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. So, avoid this river in Florida. Species who DINE ON HUMAN BRAINS have made it their home!! Details after the jump. Emma Rabid

Plot Fail: Florida Teen Busted On Planning Columbine-Style Massacre At High School On The First Day Of Classes

Florida police said they have foiled a plot by a troubled teen to stage a horrific, Columbine-style massacre at his former high school on the first day of class. Thank God this was stopped in its tracks before anyone was hurt. Ash_Bankz

Cops Say “Little D***” Crack About Ex-Boyfriend’s Manhood Triggered Assault

A Florida man was arrested after domestic dispute. Police say a comment from his ex-girlfriend about his manhood sparked the altercation. Details after the jump! Funk Flex

Tech Talk News: Mother Arrested For Beating Her Son With Computer Chords After Finding Out He Was On Facebook

Yikes, Facebook doesn’t just ruin marital relationships, it ruins family relationships too! A Florida woman was arrested for brutally beating her son with a computer cable for using Facebook, police said. Read more after the jump! @ItsLukieBaby x TatWza

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