(Video) Man Sets Wife On Fire Outside Of 711

Roosevelt Mondesir was arrested for covering his wife in gasoline and igniting her on fire outside of a 711. Click below to read more information about the incident and to also watch the surveillance video. Melissa Nash

Tropical Storm “Beryl” Hits Southeast Coastline

Tropical Storm “Beryl” hit US’s Southeast Coast early this morning. The storm brought strong wind currents, heavy rain, and the threat of flooding. Click below to read more. Melissa Nash

Nurse Denies Student Inhaler While He’s Having An Asthma Attack!

A school nurse in Florida is under heavy fire after refusing to give a student, who was having an asthma attack, his inhaler. The nurse claims that she couldn’t find his parent consent form and refused to hand over the inhaler or call 911. According to the student, who is 17, the nurse shut the door in his face, sat at her desk smiling, and refused to get him help. I understand the importance of consent forms, but if you can clearly tell that a someone is asking for help and it’s your job to help them you should do what it takes. Read more below. Julie1205

(Video)Homeless Florida Woman Graduates From College!

Shawna Machado from Florida has no home, was living out of her car and has received a Bachelor’s Degree!  She received a degree from the University Of South Florida, in psychology.  She ran away from an abusive home and a failing marriage and managed, but managed to go to school! Hit the jump for the story. Steph Bassanini

(Video) Rick Ross & Swizz Beatz Give Back To Ross’ High School

Photo Credit: Exclusive Access The Bawse isn’t all about spending money on himself…he gives back too! Earlier this week, Rick Ross and Swizz Beatz went back to Rozay’s alma mater, Carol City Senior High, and donated iPads and Reeboks for the CAP Program. Awesome! Watch the footage below. Marisa Mendez

(Video) Gun Range Targets Resembling Trayvon Martin Being Sold

Florida gun ranges are now selling targets that resemble Trayvon Martin. The target is a black hoodie with a bullseye in the chest and is seen holding an iced tea and skittles.The creator and seller of the target said that he has sold out of targets in just two days and plans on making more. This is disgusting, whether or not you believe George Zimmerman is innocent or guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old was gunned down for now reason. More info below. Julie1205

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