Latinos Rocked The Vote

The Latino demographic has become a force to reckon with at the election polls, they’re support was key in an Obama victory in crucial swing states. Florida, Colorado, and Nevada all showed a growth in Latino support for the Democratic candidates providing key votes for Obama proving to be decisive. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

Woman Arrested For Masturbating A Her Local Starbucks

Jennifer Piranian, was caught high on crack and decided that a good place to handle her “personal business” was at a Starbucks in Brandeton,FL. The police received a call stating that “She was high on crack, masturbating, with her hands going everywhere.” FunkFlex

BREAKING NEWS: Marco Rubio’s Daughter Involved In Car Accident!

Senator, Marco Rubio’s 12-year-old daughter has been involved in a car accident in Miami.  She was airlifted to get treated at a local hospital , while her father was campaigning with Mitt Romney.  The police had to stop their campaign bus and motorcade to inform Rubio about his daughter. Hit the jump Steph B

Hair Salon Shooting In Florida; Woman Stares “Death” In The Face

Maryline Lowe; a female Florida resident; was on her way to get her hair done at a local salon in Casselberry. Fortunately, she was running late as she was just about to walk into the salon the gunman let off a few rounds. Three woman were shot and killed and Lowe caught eyes with the gunman and was unsure if she was going to make it out alive or not. FunkFlex

After 34 Years On Death Row John Errol Ferguson Set To Be Executed

64 year-old John Errol Ferguson will face execution after a last ditch plea by counsel was shot dowh by the U.S. Supreme Court. Ferguson was found guilty of killing 8 people during robberies in the late ’70’s. His mental state has been brought into question in oder to squash the execution. For more info please click below. Funk Flex

Man Sh*ts His Pants While Being Arrested For Punching A Cop

A Florida man literally sh*t himself while he was being arrested for punching a police officer. William Liddell was approached by police officers after they watched Liddell hit another car with his own, he put his vehicle into reveres and punched a cop in the face while trying to get away. Liddell was arrested after police called for back-up to help them control the situation. Read more below. Funk Flex

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