SMH !!! Man Dies All Because Of His Bestfriend?!?!

This Might make the list of 1000 ways to die if it’s not already on it, check out the full story after the jump. AliTheGreatest

DAMN! This Man Was Hungry Enough To Bite Off His Girl’s FINGER !?!?

Yo, this is CRAZY! You got to be sick as hell or hungry as all hell to bite someone’s finger off! Ricardo Marquis Davis a FL resident was driving his girlfriend to work (Taco Bell) when he claims that they got into an argument, she pushed his head and he BITE off her thumb. My dude you were on your way to Taco Bell. You could have eaten there! A nurse at Health First Holmes Regional Medical Center called Palm Bay police said spokeswoman Yvonne Martinez. The women was uttering, “I can’t believe he bit my thumb off,” which is why the nurse called officials. When police got to the hospital the woman was gone so they went to her last known address where they found Davis. He admitted to committing the crime. Of course he’s in jail on serious WATCH! Oh yea…they were NOT able to re-attach the thumb. Drop down bottom for more. JaaiR (JR)

(Video) Forreal?!?! Guess What This Guy Found & Then Gave Back!!!!

An Airport Service Cleaner should be getting a whole lot of good fortune in his future. This guy found 2 things worth a LOT of Money! Would you have done the same? Hit the jump for the full story! AliTheGreatest

(Video)Tyler Perry, Al Sharpton & NAACP Offer Reward Of How Much?!?! But For What?!?!

Tyler Perry, Al Sharpton and the NAACP team up and put together a nice amount of money for anyone who has information on Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos. Check out the rest of the story after the jump! AliTheGreatest

(Photos)Plane Crashes Into A Roof And Bursts Into Flames!

A small aircraft into a home in Jacksonville,Fl killing the three passengers aboard the plane.The pilot was attempting to land the plane at a nearby airport. Michael Anders was a Spanish teacher and the pilot of the plane, he was killed on his birthday. The homeowner escaped death and injury although her home was completely destroyed. Steph B

Sisters Arrested After Pocket Dialing The Hotel They Just Robbed

My mom used to tell me “God don’t like ugly,” and this right here is living proof. Ashlie Alewine and sister Nakilya Wright were arrested after they pocket dialed a hotel they had just got finished robbing. According the report a woman in a grey sweatsuit wearing a black bandana over her mouth came into the InnPlace hotel in Naples, Florida with her hand in her sweatshirt acting as if she were carrying a pistol. The worker at the front desk was ordered to give the woman cash and did so after she gave the cash she laid down on the ground as she was instructed but right after the robbers left a call came into the hotel from and the lady behind the counter recognized the voice as that of the robber. The phone was traced back to the two girls mothers. Alewine, who was recently fired from the very hotel that they robbed claims that they used the money they stole to fund their drug habit. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

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