Guess Which State Has The Highest School to Jail Numbers?!?!

Out of all the states in this coutry, It’s pretty hard to believe that this state has the highest school to jail numbers. Hit the jump for more!

Auto: Man Attacks Car With A Machete

The title of this story might sound crazy, but there is a reason for it. Yes, a man in Florida decided to attack a car in his drivway with a machete. He destroyed all the windows and damaged the car pretty bad. However, if your a man, you are gonna feel like you might of somewhat did the same thing. The reason for the attack?? He came home to see his WIFE in the car with another man, and they did not expect the hubby to show up at the house at that time. The husband got out of his car, went in the house and came back out to handle business. He got arrested ( obviously from the mugshot above) but I can definitely understand why the man did it. Not saying violence is the answer, but I can at least see his reasoning.

Oh, Ok: Baby’s Birth Certificate Has 3 Names?!?!

This Rarely ever happens, in fact this might be a First! Hit the jump for the full story.

(Video) Father Kills His Sons And Tells Wife “You’re Going To Live With This” Before Committing Suicide!

Isidro Zavala strangled his two sons (12 and 11 years old) to death in his Florida home. After he killed the boys, his wife asked “Why don’t you kill me?” and he responded, “You’re going to have to life with this” before killing himself. I’m not sure what’s more disturbing, the fact that he committed these acts or the fact that he wanted his wife to suffer for the rest of her life. Click below for more details.

Auto:(Video) Hate It Or Love It Poll: Pink Lexus GS With 30 Inch Rims

I am not gonna say too much about this car because I do not want to influence anyone elses opinion. You know your gonna find a car like this mainly in Florida, and that is exactly where this is at. Some people like Donk car culture, some others despise it. Which one are you? Check the video after the jump and take the poll below the video. Hate it or Love it?

Florida’s Court Of Appeal Threw Out Two Of Casey Anthony’s Four Convictions !!!

Looks like Casey Anthony isn’t as guilty as she seemed a while back. Either that or her lawyers are doing a top notch job with this case. It has just been reported that out of her 4 convictions she just beat 2 of them. Anthony’s lawyer, Cheney Mason, said when he called his client to share the ruling of her 4 convictions, she said, “We keep fighting.” And it turns out that was a great plan for her. It is possible that Anthony could appeal the remaining two convictions to the Florida Supreme Court next.

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